Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Few Random Thoughts

I intend, if at all possible, not to talk about politics. I also intend, though this is slightly less likely, not to discuss issues that would fall under the moniker "hot-button", i.e. religion, abortion, sexism in the workplace, or the validity of the spork in modern society. Instead, I have a few random, by which I mean unimportant-to-everyone-but-me, thoughts. Seeing as how this is my blog, though, I should be a little self-indulgent from time to time, by which I mean all the time.

United 93 opens in theaters today, and I say kudos to you, hollywood. There really was far too much turn-around between our tragedies and our dramatizations before. You have finally caught up to Lifetime and Fox with your ability to create films not based on message or quality, but on immediacy and ability to use the marketing phrase "based on real events". Let me clarify, I am no way opposed to this movie, and I don't think its distasteful. I also think that with Greengrass directing, it may turn out to be an excellent film. I think it's important that we document and examine all of the important events of our history whenever possible. However, dealing with an event so soon after it occured, and so soon that people are still very sensitive about it, not to mention that thanks to modern conveniences such as the cell phone we have many records of what actually transpired, that the filmmakers are left to do little more than create a re-enactment. Cinema is not about recreating reality, but about creating a story unto itself that is not only compelling and with the ring of truth, but that through its dramatic structure and choices inspires us and says something profound. When you have to work so hard just to be accurate, and take almost no license, that's not really possible. It's like when Passion of the Christ came out (not talking about religion, not talking about religion). That was a terrible film, if only because it really had no point. There was no drama, no conflict, no choices. Merely a long slow death for its protagonist; a forgone conclusion of the least interesting kind. The argument people made was "but that's how it happened in the Bible". Well, not getting into the artistic merits of the Bible, nor the 'accuracy' of it, my point is that to create a compelling narrative, you can't just imitate something word-for-word. Not to mention (though I am) that there is something to be said for not making that movie when you don't have anything interesting to add to it. Yes, that's what really happened, or yes, that's how it is in the Bible. Well, if that's all there is, and you don't have something fresh to say about it, then don't make that movie. Make one of the other 30,000 screenplays that get submitted each year. Maybe Rob Schneider could get into some sort-of wacky misadventure with Ashton Kutcher and that chick that blows everybody. You know the one I mean.

Okay, that first bit took up a lot of space so I'll cram in my other thoughts in as little space as possible.

Starbucks should build a skyscraper where each floor is itself a separately owned and operated Starbucks. It's where they are going anyway, and hey, I'd go there.

Also, why are we already so eager to convert to HD-DVD. As it is, most people can't tell the difference between widescreen and that cropped nonsense they put on DVDs at WalMart, or tell the difference between good cinematography and the "let's point the lights at the thing we're shooting" mentality of the movies most of them go to see, so why should they care about the miniscule, almost imperceptible difference between DVD and High Definition DVD.

And another thing, why do they still bother to make those bs sheer plastic band-aids (I'm using the brand name for clarity). Sure, the fabric ones may be a little harder to get off, but that's the point. They are hardcore. You don't have to be worried that the slightest breeze is going to rip off your bandage and expose the wound, and you don't have to be worried about sweating or getting the bandage wet. If you even look at one of those plastic ones funny, it'll fall right off. And those "clear" ones aren't fooling anyone - we can see your bandage. No, for quality, its all about fabric. That's right, I said it, and I don't care what you think. Its the truth, and the truth cannot be silenced.

Oh, and what's the deal with airline peanuts?

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