Sunday, October 19, 2008

Things McCain Supporters Believe about Obama

1.) “He’s an A-rab!”
No, he’s really not. See, according to the Constitution, you have to be a natural born citizen of the United States in order to run for President. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, a State, to a woman originally from Kansas. He’s also not ethnically Arab either. His mother was white, and his father was from Kenya. Neither of those things is Arab. He’s white, and he’s African.

2.) “He’s a terrorist!”
Again, if he were a terrorist, do you think he’d have made it through a year and a half of campaigning and vetting? He’s a lawyer, educated in the northeast, who worked in Chicago, and then became a Senator. Along the way, he sat on a board with William Ayers, and they met a couple of times. William Ayers was a leading member of a terrorist group, the Weather Underground, here in the United States. They protested things by blowing up statues and buildings, avoiding hurting people in the process. Most of them were caught, convicted, and served jail time. Bill Ayers was on this board because he was elected to it, because since that time he has worked peacefully in the system to improve education, something that Barack Obama was also working on. So they ended up in the same place at the same time, and Barack wasn’t going to, nor should he, abandon that goal because one of the other people working towards the same goal had served jail time for his crimes and was now trying to be a productive member of society. They aren’t friends, and Barack Obama has publicly condemned William Ayers actions as a member of the Weather Underground, which occured at a time when Barack was 8, so he certainly wasn’t involved in them or even old enough to know about them at the time, plus he was in a completely other part of the country.

3.) “He’s a Muslim!”
No, he’s really not. His birth father, the man who essentially abandoned him as a child and he almost never saw was a Muslim, but Barack was raised by his white, Christian mother and grandparents, and has always been a Christian. Remember when you attacked him for what his REVEREND said? Yeah, it’s because he attends a church, with a Christian Reverend. You can’t attack him for what his Christian Reverend says and also call him a Muslim. That doesn’t work.

4.) “He Went to a Muslim School!”
Nope, wrong again. He briefly attended a school where many, but not all, of the children were Muslim’s. The story that he attended a Muslim school broke and was disproven in a matter of hours, even by Fox News who had to admit it was false. Saying the school he attended was a Muslim school is like saying every public school in America is a parochial school, because most of the students in them are Christian. It was a secular school, and Barack was not being taught religion there. Some of the kids were Muslims, but Barack was still Christian.

5.) “We Don’t Know Anything About Him!”
If you don’t, it’s because you’ve been living in a cave. He’s been a major player in the party for the last 5 years, especially since speaking at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He’s been campaigning for President for 2 years now, and received record coverage and investigation by several opponents and the news media during this contentious primary, and since then. John McCain has made it a point to make sure you know every tiny detail about Barack Obama. Barack, himself, has written 2 memoirs to let you know all about him, and has appeared on every major network and been interviewed by all the big name reporters. Sarah Palin, on the other hand, was unknown to most of the nation until about 2 months ago, and has refused to be interviewed by most journalists.

6.) “He’s the most liberal Senator!”
This oft-repeated fact is based on one source’s idea of liberalism, and even still, being the most liberal Senator is a lot like being the world’s classiest McDonalds - there’s not much difference between that and all the others. John McCain even pointed out that Barack has voted with President Bush about 60 percent of the time. So is Bush 60 percent liberal? John McCain has also voted with Barack on this bailout package...does that make McCain a fiscal liberal? No, exactly.

7.) “We wants to socialize health care!”
Not at all. He doesn’t propose free or mandatory health care. All he wants to do is allow people who want to be able to join the same plan that Congressman get, so that it’s cheap and effective. They’d still be paying a company for coverage, and anyone who wants to can buy it from any other company they want, and most people would still get it from their employers.

8.) “He Wants to Meet with Iran and North Korea!”
No, but he does want us to have diplomatic contacts with them, meaning that our low-level diplomats can talk to theirs. This is a strategy also endorsed by the UN, Europe, our military leaders, and President Bush. Because, ignoring them has only encouraged them to continue trying to build nuclear weapons so that we’ll take them seriously. Either we bomb them, or we talk to them to get them to stop, and if we bomb them, they’ll have no reason not to bomb us.

9.) “He Doesn’t Support Israel!”
He does, and he’s taken the exact same stance on Israel as John McCain has. If anything, Sarah Palin disagrees with McCain on Israel more than Obama does.

10.) “He’s Not An American!”
Again, check your constitution. You have to be a NATURALLY BORN American to run for President. He was born in Hawaii… a STATE in the UNITED STATES. Sarah Palin was born in Alaska and John McCain was born in… the Panama Canal Zone. Yes, at the time a U.S. territory, but if McCain is a citizen, how can you question someone born in an ACTUAL STATE. He’s lived in the United States, from coast to coast, his wife is from the United States, his children were born in the United States, he went to school in the United States, he served as a Senator in the State of Illinois, and then in Washington, D.C., the United States’ Capitol, as a U.S. Senator. He’s a Christian, like the majority of Americans. He’s half-white and half-black, the two biggest racial groups in the United States. He’s lived in rural areas and cities. He has lived the American Dream, and he is as American or more American than anyone else in this country.

Anymore atrocious accusations? I know fact-checking really slows down the hate-speech.

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