Sunday, September 24, 2006

I Feel Safer Already

A classified intelligence report concludes that the Iraq war has worsened the terrorist threat to the United States, something that I could have told them, if only they had thought to ask. The newly revealed document is the first formal report on global trends in terrorism by the National Intelligence Estimate, which is put out by the National Intelligence Council. This, also coming during the same week when U.S. casualties in Iraq have reached the point of being double the casualties of 9/11 which precipitated this whole thing (and dozens of times more if you include the Iraqi civilian deaths, but who cares about them, right?).

So now we have professionals in the intelligence community telling us what we already knew, that we've only been creating more resentment and fueling terrorist action and recruitment. As for how our nation building is going, the Associated Press reported today that some U.S. soldiers working in Shiite neighborhoods say the Iraqi troops are among the worst they've ever seen. That's fine, though, because we can just stay there for 20 or 30 years until all of the kinks are worked out. Even Senator McCain acknowledged on "Face the Nation" that the war in Iraq is a rallying point of terrorists and that at this point we're fueling terrorist organizations, but that also failure now will lead to a greater threat than we ever had pre-Iraq.

So, when we began this little "War on Terror", it was to eliminate the threat of terrorists and bring justice to the people who perpetrated the attacks on September 11th. Five years later we have failed to bring the terrorists to justice, especially the guy at the top, and we have since increased the terrorist threat. Oh, and we've taken a country that was so weak that we were able to topple its government in the span of a long weekend and created a hotbed of chaos and violence where, if things continue as they have been, terrorists will have a fertile training ground. Awesome. Mission accomplished.

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