Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Mafia in the Music Industry

So running up to the midterm elections, I'm wondering why we even bother ending elections, because it seems that politicians start running for office again earlier and earlier, leaving a smaller and smaller window of time during which anyone feels comfortable doing real work. Take for example the most recent bill passed by the Senate: the "compromise" between the President and his rivals...Republicans. Wait, what? Anyway, he wanted to be able to define what "torture" was and hold "enemy combatants" without trials. John McCain and friends said "NO!" and came up with a bill to challenge him by...allowing him to define what "interogation" techniques are allowed and setting up military courts to try combatants without congressional oversight or a right of habeas corpus. Totally different than what the President wanted. He must be fuming..."Damn John McCain, ruining everything" he must say as he twirls his mustache.

I'm surprised they were able to get this passed, what with those cut-and-run Democrats trying to add on crazy one that would guarantee the Constitutional right of Habeus Corpus and one that would give Congress (the people who passed this bill) oversight over C.I.A. interrogations. Who'd want those things? Oh, and the other amendment that luckily they didn't pass would have required the State Department to inform other countries of what interrogation techniques we thought were permissable on captured American soldiers. Thank god that didn't pass, because then otherwise our soldiers might have been treated humanely and other countries might have found out what types of interrogation techniques we might possibly be using. It's really better if all captured soldiers everywhere are kept hidden, without rights or oversight, and that we don't tell people what we do with them or what they tell us. It just makes sense.

Why is this a waste of time? Well, it's so broad and seemingly in violation of the Constitution and various international treaties that many of the Republicans who voted for it commented that the Supreme Court will almost definitely overturn it, adding that they wished they weren't rushing this before midterms so that they could do it right because they're going to have to do it again once the Supreme Court knocks it down. So, the House and Senate have passed a bill that even they are pretty sure will never become law just so they can say they are doing something to combat terrorism and to make Democrats (and one or two Republicans) look like they are coddling terrorists by giving them things like "trials" and "humane treatment". We can't be bothered being ethical when we have information to get, through means that would make that information insubmissable in an American court but not in a secret tribunal.
At times like this, I just want to put on Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" and wipe my tears with an American flag.

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