Friday, September 8, 2006

Mmmm.....That Smells Crazy!

On his September 6th broadcast, syndicated radio hate-monger Michael Savage had this to say about the imminent threat of terrorism:

"So I want every able-bodied man and woman who is licensed to carry a firearm or who knows how to use a weapon, I want you to organize in your neighborhood. We don't want you to commit violence, but we want you to learn how to create a homeland defense system in this country."

Yes, because we all know that when al Qaeda strikes, it will be with a massive army that will come in across the sea that we'll be able to fight off with a well-maintained militia. There are any number of problems I have with this, but no matter how organized your neighborhood gang is, unless they are trained in surveillance and intelligence, they are not going to be any help detering a terrorist attack. Any attack is going to come in the form of an unannounced, quick, and small terror cell that will most likely blow themselves and/or something else up. By the time you know they're doing something, it'll all be over, and then you'll just have a group of people standing around with guns with no one to fight. A neighborhood militia would be helpful if we were getting invaded by Britain, or Russia in one of those bad 80's cold-war movies. Not against terrorists.
He then went on to advocate:

"They're training their sons to use an AK-47, and we're teaching our sons how to swing a baseball bat. Tell me who wins that fight. I have nothing against baseball, but the times don't call for an obsession with sports. They call for a militarization of our children."

There are so many layers of crazy on that paragraph, I'm going to need a shovel to dig through them. Apparently he thinks that the best way to fight nut-jobs who indoctrinate and arm their children to fight mindlessly and inhumanely is by...wait for our children to be just like them. What the hell is wrong with this guy? He's right though, our kids are wasting time with this little league bs. They should be spending their after-school time fighting the good fight and training in heavy arms and hand-to-hand combat. They're going to need those skills when they get sent to fight the unending War in Iraq. In fact, school is a waste of time. What value is learning math and history? If the terrorists take over America, they won't even be able to use that knowledge. Let's teach them important skills in school, like how to clean a rifle or interrogate a prisoner of war. Instead of "Elementary Schools" we can call them "Military Schools", or better yet, "American Patriot, and anyone who says otherwise is a terrorist, Schools."

So, no, Mr. Savage (an apt name if ever there was one) I don't think I'll join up with other gun nuts in my neighborhood to start training to repel an invasion force. And no, I don't think I'll start getting together with the children at the park to teach them how to fire an AK-47 at a moving target. Because you know what it means when we start doing that? It means that the terrorists have already defeated us. It means we have compromised our values, our beliefs, our morals, and it means that we are just like them except with a different name for God. Why don't you just save us time (and do your part) by going over to the middle east and fighting the terrorists there, so we don't have to put up with you here.

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